Thursday, August 27, 2009

Public Transportation

One of the great aspects of living in a big city is the opportunity to ride public transportation. The people that you get to meet on a daily basis come from such a wide spectrum. There are the financial advisors I ride the cable car with to work who never look up from their constant emailing and twittering on their Blackberry or I-Phone. Then you have the old chinese ladies riding around with their big bags searching for bottles to recycle for money. I've heard more french from tourists on the cable cars than I heard from most of my companions. I-pods, newspapers, magazines...everyone in their own world. In these quiet moments to and from work, I often think about the lives of these people and what has brought them to this point. We are all from different backgrounds, have different goals, live different lives, but we ride the bus together. You can literally feel the essence and beauty of San Francisco while riding around on public transportation.

Friday, August 21, 2009


How often do we really stop and take a moment to look at our life? Life is short and the beauty is found within each day, we just need to make sure we are noticing it. Chris teases me all the time because I have "moments." It can happen anywhere, without warning and I get a little emotional as these few minutes give me a little insight into how lucky I am. Yes, they often happen in inconvenient locations, such as the grocery store or yes, even Carl's Jr! In my defense, what is a girl to do when the cutest old man is sitting in your direct line of vision while you are looking at your husband and you start to think about how great it is to be able to grow old with the love of your life? I guess all I am trying to send out into the oblivion is a message that I am so grateful for my life and those that I share it with.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Life in the City

Well it has been way too long since I have updated on our lives. So to backtrack, I will just give a small summary. I was accepted to all the grad school programs I applied for. I felt fortunate enough, and yet a little overwhelmed in the decision process. When all was said and done, San Francisco was the place for us. We have so loved every minute while visiting that great city. Chris accepted a job with Gap Inc corporate offices. Today, he will be finishing his first week on the job. It will be such a positive experience for him and will open many windows and doors for him in the future. School doesn't start for another couple of months, so I have time to get out and enjoy the city. We are getting situated. It has been quite the adventure and process to get here at this stage of our lives. We are so very blessed.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Moments with an Hourglass

What a crazy last few months. Chris and I just celebrated our First Anniversary and I can proudly say that we are more in love than ever! We have been really busy the last few months. We are both preparing to go back to grad school within the next couple of years. I finished my applications for NP schools and now just playing the waiting game. Hopefully we will hears something soon. I was accepted to a school in Washington, but I am waiting to hear back from Chicago and San Francisco. Big changes are going to take place within the next few months!